Wonderful Wint'ry Days...
Let's begin where we left off. On the second of December there was a raucous, music-filled linguistics fiesta grande at RCEAL (the Research Centre for Eating and Applied Liveliness). Much in the way of caroling, jamming, and squawking like hens. And needless to say the mulled wine and the mince pies both flowed like water. The pies were especially bizarre in this respect. Please see below for rare pictures of linguists carrying on in a moderately outrageous manner.
After recovering from this enjoyable extravaganza, Lewis began work on his largest linguistics project to date: collecting as much information on Papuan languages as possible, and assembling it into some sort of readable form. In spite of going a bit crazy in the course of this project (see below), Lewis is happy with his first large project at Cambridge. He just submitted it for assessment two days ago. Wish him luck!
At some point in the middle of this project, some delightful distractions occurred. It began to look a lot like Christmas...

And then there was the Christmas Feast...
And Christmas day occurred...

And simultanesouly a herd of additional Lawyers migrated through the region...

And in addition to the exploration of London...
New Year's was celebrated with abandon:

And here we are in ought six. Laurie has submitted grad school applications and Lewis has started Lent Term ("class"). Plans for the wedding are well underway, with the plans for food progressing nicely. But now it's time to sign off, so that Laurie and Lewis' attentions can be devoted to the apple juice and cheese they just purchased.
Happy new year, everyone!
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