As forshadowed (if you will) by the autumnal sunset earlier this week, Autumn has indubitably arrived in Cambridge. The air is cold and crisp, and the frost is establishing itself further and further into the daylight hours. If that made no sense, then just look at these pictures:

Pretty pretty Autumn Cam

Garret Hostel Lane avec leaves coloured d'Autumn

Frosty field and bundled Cantabrigians behind Queens' College...

...and our very own Scholars Garden, completely frosted over.

Laurie's shadow at noon!

Meet the newest member of our little family: a 16-pound pumpkin
Incidentally, (don't tell Pumpkin) we're making tasty pumpkin treats next week.
Send any tasty pumpkin recipes our way!
In conclusion, Autumn in Cambridge is pretty and chilly. Pretty chilly. Soon to be very chilly, we've been told. Join us next post for an exciting update on Lewis' too-ambitious research project and for a comical picture of said Lewis demonstrating his new technique for unwinding during times of mental stress.