Spring! (a belated but exciting post)

The blossoms are blossoming, the weather is warming, and the moorhens are getting feisty. Yes, Spring has come to Cambridge! Our days are even getting long! Here are some exciting pictures:

There has also been much in the way of fauna making appearances lately...

And last but certainly not least:

Spring has been treating Laurie and Lewis very well. We've been walking around without big jackets on and enjoying the fragrent scent of flowers everywhere. Well to be honest, Lewis has been rather busy lately. He's working on a large project on Eipo, a language spoken in the remote central highlands of New Guinea. He's putting together a paper about how Eipo uses intonation to indicate givenness. It's going to be almost as exciting as his new Harris tweed hat:
Meanwhile, Laurie is perfecting her calligraphy skillz. Think happy thoughts for her wrist as she tackles the wedding invitations! (It's the right wrist. Thanks.) Laurie got a nice new sweater in Scotland. It is warm as well as fuzzy. Laurie is also continuing to perfect her culinary skills, having lately manifested themselves in the form of a delicious ginger-lemon cake. Yowza.
Cambridge is lovely, but Lewis and Laurie are also looking forward to coming back to the States soon! It'll be great to see everyone and to have this big party thing everyone seems to be on about... Life is good.
Meanwhile, Laurie is perfecting her calligraphy skillz. Think happy thoughts for her wrist as she tackles the wedding invitations! (It's the right wrist. Thanks.) Laurie got a nice new sweater in Scotland. It is warm as well as fuzzy. Laurie is also continuing to perfect her culinary skills, having lately manifested themselves in the form of a delicious ginger-lemon cake. Yowza.
Cambridge is lovely, but Lewis and Laurie are also looking forward to coming back to the States soon! It'll be great to see everyone and to have this big party thing everyone seems to be on about... Life is good.